Saturday, May 31, 2008


Let me preface this posting by clarifying some facts about myself. I am not a hate monger, racist or bigot. I was raised to be tolerant of others no matter what their nationality, culture or race. If I must judge it is on the individual.
However, a problem has arisen in our country with multi-culturalism and illegal aliens that has overshadowed the rights of the American citizen and it is destroying our great country and the values we have always held dear.
For the sake of expediency this posting is about the illegal immigration problems.
I was reading an article in the Marietta Daily Journal written by D.A. King a guest columnist, in which he talked about an illegal alien who was upset about immigration and identity theft arrests at an Iowa meatpacking plant. This illegal alien was quoted as saying,"This country belongs to everybody, not just to the American people."
My answer is that this country is for the people that are here legally. We have laws and you are breaking them by your very presence here.
Ian Thompson wants full rights for "undocumented" people. Let's quit the play on words please. They are illegal aliens. He also wants ICE shut down completely.
Now there are organizations that want to form a coalition in Georgia that supposedly will be aimed at fighting "injustice" and "racism".
Just two of these many organizations was enough to make me shudder. The Nation of Islam and The National Council of La Raza. La Raza meaning "The Race".
To the Nation of Islam I have this to say. This is America. We are "One nation under God". If you want a nation of Islam go to an Islamic nation. Here's your hat. What's your hurry? If anyone came into my home and espoused the right to murder our own men, women and children in the name of Allah I would tell them to leave and never return or they would be arrested for trespassing and I would be completely within my rights to do so. In that same vein I, along with many others feel we are completely within our rights to tell you to leave our country for it is OUR home.
To the National Council of La Raza I have these words. You have stated outright some years ago that you feel the United States stole your land, which by the way is an outright lie, and you plan to take it back. That land was lost to you after the war with Santa Ana. The United States also paid some money for it as I recall and it was accepted. The southwestern part of the United States is no longer a part of Mexico and hasn't been for many years. If Mexico is so great that you feel the need to fly her flag then go back to Mexico and fly it there. The American people certainly didn't invite all the illegal aliens into our country. If we had, they certainly wouldn't be illegal.
As far as I am concerned, and this is my own humble opinion, these groups are subversive groups that the government shouldn't even allow here let alone fund La Raza through governmental programs to the tune of ten million dollars.
This coalition trying to form in Georgia wants to use civil rights as their way of achieving their goals. How dare they? In the sixties our country was going through a major upheaval. At that time civil rights was not only necessary but also was a noble cause. This coalition is not only unnecessary but also very far from being noble!
Our government's solution to all this would be a blanket amnesty for millions of illegals. Does that mean our Federal Government is ineffectual? Not at all. They have an agenda that coincides with that of big business and the World Bank. They no longer care what we, the people think or want. There are three branches of government that were designed to balance each other out, the executive, legislative and judicial branches. They no longer do this as they are all on the same page. This is why we have border patrol agents languishing in prison for shooting a known drug smuggler when they thought their lives were in danger. This is why David Olofson from Wisconsin has been convicted of transferring a machine gun when what he did was to loan a twenty year old semi automatic rifle to a friend to use at a shooting range and it malfunctioned.
In conclusion, we are in the midst of a power struggle. The power of these organizations, the power of the government, which by the way has grabbed more power than it should have and the power of we, the people. We, the people need to start organizing ourselves and regain the power afforded us by the Constitution before it is too late. Our borders must be secured by whatever means available to us under the law!

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